Automatically process OPN-2001 scandata

Our scanSYNC application fully automates the redirection of your scanned data. All scans are read automatically upon connection and the data is processed for forwarding according to your preferences. Once installed the application will operate in the background.

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scanSYNC is fully customizable, but although having tons of configurable options we try to keep the scanSYNC GUI to a minimum. All necessary functionality is pre-set and trimmed to suit your needs.

    • Scan barcode multiple times;
    • Use quantity in barcode (with predefined quantity identifier);
    • Scan quantity from numeric chart (see QUANTITY MODES).
    • Summarize;
    • Concatenate;
    • Replace.
    • Extract supplier from barcode (with predefined supplier identifier);
    • EAN8 supplier identifier;
    • scan quantity from numeric chart (see QUANTITY MODES).
    • Auto strip EAN8 check-digit;
    • Network timeout;
    • Sequence number.

    Output options

    The data is automatically structured in segments with header, record layout and footer parts. When combined the data-package is ready for delivery.


    Save your data to a file.
    Flexible formatting options.


    Upload your data to any FTP server.


    Text-inject (keyboard-wedge) your data to the current cursor position.


    Pass-through your data to your web-server.
    JSON, web-cart, XML

    Let's Get In Touch!

    Ready to start your next barcode scanning project with us? Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

    +31 (30) 635-1661